ISEE Brazil UFRGS Chapter
The ISEE Brazil UFRGS Chapter is a non-profit organization formed by students who seek to promote, among students and professionals, the use of explosives in engineering.
ISEE Brazil UFRGS Student Chapter is a non-profit student organization linked to the International Society of Explosives Engineers that aims to promote events and discussions about the use of explosives in the most diverse areas of engineering. Currently, the board of directors is made up of undergraduate and graduate engineering students, supervised by Prof. Dr. Enrique Munaretti.
Contact Network
Connect with over 4,000 industry leaders, government officials and peers around the world.
Online tools
Get exclusive access to 40 years of research with the bExplosives Reference Database Online. It features over 3,000 searchable documents from the proceedings of the Annual Explosives Conference and the Explosives and Blasting Research Technicians Symposium; as well as articles published in the Journal of Explosives Engineering. Members also have exclusive access to the Blasters Toolkit, an online hub for manuals, guides, and other industry tools.
Discounts on products and events
ISEE members enjoy special prices on books, DVDs and merchandise for sale in the online store catalog and at events such as Blasting Day , which annually brings together students and professionals interested in the use of explosives in engineering; the ISEE Workshop , which for 3 years was a national reference in explosives engineering; and the Annual Conference on Explosives and Blasting , the world's largest conference on explosives engineering.
Journal of Explosives Engineering
Todos os membros da ISEE obtem uma assinatura de cortesia da versão impressa da Journal of Explosives Engineering e de suas edições digitais. Essa é a revista mais lida da indústria com o mais recente na mineração, perfuração, detonação e assuntos governamentais.
Get listed
ISEE members are listed free of charge in the Membership Directory and Desk Reference , the most comprehensive "who's who" publication in the explosives industry.
Qual o investimento necessário?
A ISEE cobra anuidade de US$ 80,00 dos profissionais associados, mas apenas US$ 20,00 de estudantes. Para se inscrever é necessário:
Documento com foto digitalizado;
Atestado de matrícula (para estudantes);
Endoço de um membro da ISEE (opcional, entre em contato conosco);
Pagar a taxa de anuidade.
To register, fill out our Form
UFRGS Valley Campus
Bento Gonçalves Avenue, 9500
Block IV, Building 43427 (ex 75), Room 118
Agronomia Neighborhood
Porto Alegre/RS
ZIP Code: 91509-900